Saturday, December 27, 2014

On the record ...

I recently did an interview for my Smashwords profile. Check it out here.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Joyous Holidays!

All my fiction titles are $.99 until December 31, 2014!

You can find them all at the Books tab on my Website, though some of the sellers are lagging a bit. They are definitely all available for $.99 at my Smashwords profile. Happy reading!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Simple joys

Waiting at a red light the other day, I was kind of daydreaming and staring off into space ... I was a passenger, so this was okay. Anyway, there were two women walking at a leisurely pace along the sidewalk, probably age fifty-five and seventy years or so. I looked at the younger woman, her expression was so stern, almost angry. I met her eyes with my own ... and smiled.

She smiled in return. The simple gesture transforming her face from average to lovely. Her features suddenly seemed animated and young, and her dark eyes sparkled.

The light changed and we drove on.

Her smile is still vivid in my mind days later. Such a simple thing. I smiled at her ... and she gave me joy. What a beautiful gift.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Release Date!

How Does Your Garden Grow?, Book 2 in the Bedtime Stories series, will release on Tuesday, May 20!

I am thrilled to introduce this beautiful couple to the world!

In the past, Mary has struggled to find a romantic connection with various men, but the chemistry simply wasn't there. After being dumped at dinner, she is invited by her long time friend to explore the possibility that there is a very valid reason for the lack of chemistry in her previous relationships.

How Does Your Garden Grow? is a short sexy tale of discovery. Come with Mary as she finds her very own extraordinary "pretty maid" among a field of ordinary "cockle shells".

Monday, April 14, 2014

Oh my!!

(c) Rosemary Gunn
It's been a long time since I've posted here!! Many apologies to my one reader. Laugh!!

A little Monday musing ...

Eventually you need to look at yourself and decide whether you will stagnate in the cesspool or walk out of the shit and become the beautiful human you are. Today is that day. You can do it.

Finishing up a couple projects. Will return soon.