Tuesday, December 29, 2009

All tied up...

Hope you had a peaceful holiday. I realize it's not quite the new year yet, but after surviving (and thoroughly enjoying) the holidays, today felt like a good day to wade back in. Since it's Tuesday, that means a sexy picture is due...Yumma!

In gearing up for a productive new year, it seemed like a great idea to tie up my inspiration and take him for a ride first!
Climb on...looks like he's ready for anything!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weird dream


Last night I had the strangest dream.

I was in our city's public library. Now you have to realize that our library is a gorgeous three-level structure that is an absolute joy to enter. This building in my dream...yeah, not so much. It much more resembled a carnival fun house. There were so many levels and no elevators...just dozens of narrow, spindly staircases that led nowhere, weird turnstiles, and all sorts of traps and sharp obstacles sticking out from everywhere. Every turn brought something new and terrifying.

I'd like to say that I made it through the maze unscathed, but that wasn't the case. It was difficult. Torturous. And the goal - the prize - was just to get in there, to be surrounded by the books, the words, and the knowledge.

The meaning of the dream probably has something to do with riding the rollercoaster of terror that comes when you put yourself "out there" to be accepted or rejected by others...as well as fighting my own fears and insecurities.

Most of us dream...occasionally we even remember them. What odd dreams/nightmares have crept into your sleeping mind? Leave a comment and be entered to receive a copy of Open Proposal!

Monday, December 14, 2009

5 Things

5 things I'm into right now:
  • NCIS (yes...still an addict)
  • Jason Aldean (I've been on a country thing lately...and I *love* this guy!)
  • Naps (always nice if I can manage one)
  • Holiday movies
  • Laughing (I've never been one to try to smother laughter, but recently I realized that there hasn't been nearly enough going on)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"But I love you..."

"...so how can I find pleasure in what you're asking me to do?"

In my next book, Salvage My Heart, Frank and Lydia are tempted to push boundaries that most couples are content to honor. Frank's a "nice guy" though. He loves women. Would never dream of physically hurting one. He enjoys making love gently. To complicate everything, Lydia has stirred up all sorts of new feelings in him, and phrases like forever and happily ever after are being given serious thought. He goes along with the role-playing and is finding it all highly erotic, but some of the things Lydia is asking of him have Frank wondering if deep down he's just some kind of sick pervert to be finding such intense pleasure in these acts.

Have you discovered that the sexual boundaries you had years ago are still in place, or have you expanded them a bit?