Mary wasn’t certain what may have passed across her face, but this felt like an invitation for more than “girl time”. Her heart beat quickened at the intensity with which Brenna watched her. Her skin tingled and flushed with excitement, but she said what came to mind. “Girls night in?”
“Yeah, something like that.” Brenna dug into the next treat — crème brûlée — and offered it to Mary, who opened her lips without hesitation this time. No lingering essence of Brenna’s mouth remained, but Mary could pretend it did.
“So are you simply foregoing the date and getting right to the good part?”
“I’ve never hidden the fact that I’m gay.” Brenna perused the desserts, then leveled her gaze at Mary. “I’m simply expediting you along the path to realizing that you are.”
Mary sat back. She opened her mouth briefly, then closed it without a word. No, she didn’t deny it, but she needed to ponder this for a moment. Or longer.Oh, yes ... Mary does need to ponder. And Brenna will be a gentle guide as Mary embraces her true self.
This story is truly a joy to write, as so many are not living the lives we are meant to be living. Of course not all of us will discover that we are gay, but there are other discoveries that are just as life-altering. Careers change. Lives change. People change and grow. Embrace those changes or they will destroy you.